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Daniel Lurie is the 46th Mayor of the City and County of San Francisco.

Board of Supervisors

The Board establishes policy and adopts legislation to meet constituents' needs. Find your supervisor

Rafael Mandelman
President of the BoardRafael MandelmanSupervisorDistrict 8
Connie Chan
Connie ChanSupervisorDistrict 1
Stephen Sherrill
Stephen SherrillSupervisorDistrict 2
Danny Sauter
Danny SauterSupervisorDistrict 3
Joel Engardio
Joel EngardioSupervisorDistrict 4
Bilal Mahmood
Bilal MahmoodSupervisorDistrict 5
Matt Dorsey
Matt DorseySupervisorDistrict 6
Myrna Melgar
Myrna MelgarSupervisorDistrict 7
Jackie Fielder
Jackie FielderSupervisorDistrict 9
Shamann Walton
Shamann WaltonSupervisorDistrict 10
Chyanne Chen
Chyanne ChenSupervisorDistrict 11

Elected officers

Manohar Raju
Manohar RajuPublic Defender
Brooke Jenkins
Brooke JenkinsDistrict Attorney
Joaquín TorresElected Assessor-Recorder
David Chiu
David ChiuSan Francisco City Attorney